Friday, October 31, 2008

"One Man Loan Shop" Closed 31 Loans Last Month!!!

If You Want To See What Scott is Talking About..
Go Here Now AFTER viewing the video by pressing PLAY.

Many of you have been wanting to hear from some of our MasterMind Members.
Here is one that actually implements!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our Own Worst Enemy

This has to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen.....
Well, it's only funny, unless you can relate to it!!

Let me know what you think.

Carl White

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Carl Pays YOU To Become A Millionaire Loan Officer


Carl White

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rakes For Sale!!

Pardon my "helmet hair" and "motorcycle tan", but I had to stop my motorcycle ride and get this off my chest.

Don't make the same mistake that this loan officer was making.

One last thing, thanks to all of the MasterMind Group Members that are reporting back all the loans in the pipeline from utilizing the Million $$$ Script. I really enjoy hearing the good news. Keep'm coming!!

Carl White
Pensacola, North Carolina (for today at least)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Were You There?

If you were wondering how successful our MasterMind Group is for the members of, just look at the parking lot of our latest meeting.......
Were you there? If not, what in the world are you waiting on??????

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thank God I Wasn't In That Building!!!

I was on my way to a MasterMind Retreat a few weeks ago and passed by an old factory.

Thank God I wasn't in that building.
Watch the 2 minute video to see why.....

Carl White
Taking MasterMinding To A Whole New Level!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Are Loan Officers Really Getting Credit Repair Deals?

Here is a video of Diane getting ready to take today's letters to the post office. You have to see this.

When you send a client to the credit repair attorney that I use, they send a letter to your client every 21 days. They put your picture, name, and phone number on the letter so your client is constantly reminded that you are the person that is solving there problem.

Check out the video!

Implementation pays off.... BIG!!!!

Carl White

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How To Make A Lot Of Money In A Short Period Of Time

One of the most frequent questions I get is "Carl, how do I make a lot of money in a short period of time in the mortgage business?"

The fastest way that I know to get rich very fast is to copy other successful people. If I do exactly what they did, I should have the exact results. The key word there is "exactly".

I don't change anything until I am making as much as they did. Once I have equalled their success using that particular strategy, then I start to make changes to see if I can exceed their results.

During my 1 on 1 coaching calls, I always get a few that try to convince me that what they are doing is the right way to do it, when they are not getting results from doing it that way. Or, they see how I am doing it, and then without even starting to implement the strategy, immediately want to start making changes to it.

Look at Coca Cola. What happened when they tried to change their proven formula back in the mid 1980's. That was one of the biggest marketing flops in world history.

Copy proven actions by people who are actually doing it..... not people that did it 5 years ago, or even 1 year ago. Today's market calls for new strategies, new actions, and new methods.

Those of us that are using these new strategies are having some of our best years ever!!


Carl White

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why You Should Focus On Relationship Marketing

I just finished reading a shocking study. Here are the findings:

1. 75% of all buyers purchased their new home using a Realtor

2. 69% of buyers were referred to a lender by their Realtor

3. 14% of buyers chose the lender on price

So if you are basing your marketing on "Great Rates... ie price...... congrats, you can have the 14% that rate shops!!

I'll take the 69% that wants to work with somebody they can trust.

It is so easy to form very profitable referral relationships with Realtors. All you have to do is solve the Realtors' problems. That's what we focus in our mastermind group. By using the simple "Million Dollar Script", I have agents literally calling me from all over the country, even though I am only marketing to Florida Realtors.

I just got off of the phone with somebody that said "Carl, Sarah (their realtor) said you are a pillar in today's shaky world."

Did Sarah ask me what my processing fee was? Did she say she was going to shop every lender this side of the Mississippi? No, she simply wants to know that she will be treated fairly and that I will be here tomorrow.

Why didn't she say that her Realtor said I had the best rates.... Because I didn't market that message. I marketed the message of solving problems. When I helped the realtor solve a previous problem, that made me the "pillar" in their eyes.

With all the problems around, with all the problems the radio and news is giving, my simple question to you is....

"What problems are you solving?"

If you can't answer that question, you are in BIG TROUBLE.

Our mastermind group members are reporting back phenomenal results using the million dollar script. If you would like to see if you are a good fit for our group, you can email me for an application at

Or, you can just keep doing what you are doing...... getting the same results....... It's just that simple!!